LetsATV News/Blog

SCORE international round 3 comes to Rosarito BC

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the SCORE International Desert Challenge, this time, taking place in one of our favorite stomping grounds Rosarito Beach, Baja California. That's right just south of the border just 20-30 minutes from San Diego. The first SCORE Intl. Desert Challenge was held back in 1995 ...

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When in doubt throttle out - what does it mean?

"When in doubt throttle out" is a saying that's been around since I was a kid riding on the tank with my uncle on his old Honda three wheeler ATC with no helmet and feet dangling next to the hot exhaust pipe. Man, those were the days. But ...

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Baja is coming back in a big way

Baja California is our home away from home here at CMA, and it's just a quick drive from San Diego, but trust me it is so much different than you might think. No longer is Baja just your usual tourist/vacation destination where you can pay a couple of bucks ...

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A story about dirt bikes and old Baja friends

A good friend of mine and my sponsor in my early racing years, Joe Disimone, and some other old friends, used to come out from Pennsylvania every year or two for a multi-day Baja tour. One year they brought this guy that we called "Humphrey Pennyworth" after a ...

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